Take pride in your scars
Take pride in your scars In the last 8 months I have ventured in the world of dyslexia have never been able to willingly disclose the fact that I am dyslexic . My experience with the condition is a little less severe but is enough to take me through all the emotional trauma that others with dyslexia go through. Here is another touching story I found on YouTube… Luke, who’s now an old man in the United States, went through a difficult time during his school days, until he had to drop out. At 69 he has no formal education and his job is to clean toilets and mop the floors of office buildings. Now, if you think that’s so unfair just hang on.....since junior level Luke loved to draw. It was, for some reason, his excuse for not paying attention in class, he said he would rather feel like just another object in class maybe a chair or the teacher’s desk than having to be humiliated and made to feel stupid or unwilling to learn. He would draw amazing art, soo amazing the teacher woul...